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Beau's Journey » Blog Archive » August 9, 2008: New KIVA Partners
Saturday, August 9th, 2008

August 9, 2008: New KIVA Partners


I have some new KIVA partners.  If anyone is interested in helping KIVA then just click on their website.  (see link within their name).

Here is a nice section about KIVA.  CLICK HERE


Mihneta, a 50-year-old woman living in the town of Doboj, earns about $225 per month 
selling the milk produced by her cow, while her husband works seasonally. She 
would now like to expand her business by purchasing a second dairy cow, and is 
therefore requesting a loan. This will be her second loan with Zene za Zene, and it 
is Mihneta’s plan to use any remaining funds from the loan to purchase food for her 
chickens and cows  She is from Doboj, Bosnia and Gerzegovina.



Richard Zenegba is 35 years old, is married and a father of 4 children. He is a textile 
artisan from Assahoun, a village located approximately 50 kilometers from Lome, 
the Togolese capital. He has carried on this activity for the past 5 years and the fruits 
of his work help him to provide for the needs of his family. With this loan, his second 
from FECECAV, Richard would like to buy strings for his textile work, and to arrange 
his workshop. This will enable him build his clientele and earn more money to 
provide for the needs of his family.

Translated from French by Ivana Kostic, Kiva Volunteer.

Richard Zenegba est âgé de 35 ans, marié et père de 4 enfants. Il est tisserand à Assahoun, 
un village situé à environ 50 kilomètres de Lomé, la capitale togolaise. Il exerce cette activité depuis 
5 ans et les fruits de son travail lui permettent de subvenir aux besoins de sa famille. Richard souhaite 
par ce crédit, le deuxième de FECECAV, acheter des ficelles lui permettant d’exécuter son travail, et 
aménager son atelier. Ceci lui permettra de conquérir beaucoup de clients et de gagner plus d’argent 
pour subvenir aux besoins de sa famille.

He is located in Assahoun, Togo.  Machine shop.  He needs to buy strongs for his workship.


Gulnoroy Zakirloeva lives in the town of Yavan with her family. 
She is married and has five children. They live in hardship 
and her husband left to Russia to find work, but there have 
not been any income from him yet. Gulnoroy has been taking 
care of the family by herself by working in agriculture. At this 
time she needs to buy mineral fertilizer to grow her product. 
It will help her get a good quality harvest. She has turned for 
help to get a loan which she will pay off within 18 months.  

Translated from Russian by Elena Fedorchuk, Kiva Volunteer.

Закирлоева Гулнурой жительница города Яван. Домохозяйка . Живет со своей семьей . Замужем , имеет пятерых детей. Условия в которых они живут тяжелые . муж уехал на заработки в Россию , но никаких доходов с его стороны не поступает. Гулнурой сама , занимаясь сельским хозяйством обеспечивает свою семью.Сейчас ей нужно купить минеральные удобрения для оброботки продукции. Это даст возможность получить качественный урожай. Поэтому она обратилась к нам за кредитом , который сможет погасить в течении 18 месяцев.

Her name is Gulnuroy Zakirloeva.  She slives in Yavan, Tajikistan.  Agriculture is their business.



Khun Kear, 35, takes care of her household, and lives in Siem Reap with her husband, 
Lenn Theat, and one of her children. Her husband travels around the community and 
sells firewood to a variety of businesses, making US$5 each day. Her child helps her husband 
with his firewood business, but they need to purchase two cows and a cart to aid with the 
transportation. Their current transportation is unreliable and they need to be able to 
depend on the business to support their family. Khun Kear has asked CREDIT for a loan 
of US$700 to purchase these items for her husband, to help support her family. She believes 
that his investment can increase her daily income and improve her standard of living.

Her name is Khun Kear.  She is located in Siem Reap Province, Cambodia.  Fule and firewood
are her two main sellers.  She need to purchase a cart for business and transportion





Mrs. Abibata Souleymane was born on November 27, 1976 in Lomé.
She is married to Mr. Watika Alegah who is a cook in a local restaurant.
She sells cereals (millet, corn, sorghum, and soy) in the Agoè market.
She began this business in 2002.
Le premier crédit qu’elle sollicite lui permettra d’acheter quatre sacs 
de mil, 3 sacs de maïs, 3 sacs de sorgho et deux sacs de soja. Ces 
achats viendront augmenter son stock de céréales.

This first loan that she is requesting will allow her to purchase 4 
sacks of millet, 3 sacks of corn, 3 sacks of sorghum, and 2 sacks of soy. 
These purchases will bolster her stock of cereals.

Translated from French by Teresa Kramer, Kiva volunteer

Madame SOULEYMANE Abibata est née le 27 novembre 1976 
à Lomé. Elle s’est mariée à monsieur ALEGAH Watika qui est un 
cuisinier dans un restaurant de la place. Elle est revendeuse de céréales 
(Mil, Maïs, Sorgho, soja) dans le marché d’Agoè. Elle a commencé 
cette activité depuis 2002.




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