I have been studying weather since I was eight years old. It is a passion. It is in my blood. This passion is difficult to explain. The sound of thunder, the wind rustling the leaves in the trees, the first snowflakes of winter, the first rainbow of spring. Watching the billowing cumulus clouds on a warm summers day. Waiting for that first clap of thunder. The pitter patter of raindrops outside my window. I love weather! It fascinates me. I am driven to try and understand what makes the atmosphere work.
Taking photos on one of my snow chases – Peoria, IL
Peoria, Illinois – Snowstorm
I used to listen to NOAA Weather Radio on the school bus, at school, during recess, in my sleep. The principal at my high school welcomed me into his office, during my lunch break, to watch The Weather Channel. I was a geek. One hundred percent pure weather geek.
I can remember when the NWS had the old radar system. You could watch the sweep line move over precipitation and light it up for a few seconds…it would then fade away. One of the meteorologists, at our local office, gave me a lesson on how to view into storms (this was before Doppler Radar). He showed me how to find hail spikes coming out of the top of a thunderstorm using the old radar system. He would twirl this little knob and the radar beam would go up, higher and higher, into the storm. I was in weather heaven!
Kyoto, Japan (left) Swiss Alps (right)
I still remember the smell of facsimile paper at the local flight service station. FRESH facsimile paper, as the machine would slowly spit out the latest day one severe weather outlook or surface map. I would have my fingers on it before the ink would dry! I used to pester the lady at the flight station, here in Paducah, Kentucky. We would dial up radars, through the telephone, and watch storms in Texas or Oklahoma (that was in the days when Texas and Oklahoma actually got storms) I think she enjoyed it as much as I did.
Near blizzard in Peoria, Illinois – 2006
Oh yeah and who can forget A.M. Weather? I was probably the only kid in my school that woke up at 6 a.m. for the morning aviation weather briefing. Yes, it gets no nerdier than that.
I have been chasing storms since I was a teenager. There is something about the overpowering, awe inspiring, and surreal feeling of being in the shadow of a Cumulonimbus Cloud. The towering white and gray clouds…overshooting tops…distant lightning bolts. Standing in the country, feeling the warm summer breeze, smell of distant rain, and listening to the rumble of thunder. It makes you feel so small. A reminder that something or someone else is in control. I know many of you reading this know exactly what I am talking about. It can’t be explained to those who fear the weather. It can’t be explained to those who have witnessed the terror that storms can bring. Perhaps it is a passion to want to understand that which we fear. To understand that which is bigger than anything man-kind can make or tame. Whether it is a snowstorm, a tropical storm, or a cyclone…it doesn’t matter. The passion remains the same. Chasing is just an extension of that passion. Photographing Mother Nature at her best and worst.
Tornadic Supercell – Waterloo, Ontario – July 2007 Tornado Chase –
Unfortunately I also see the destructive side of weather. Having had friends lose loved ones because of tornadoes I know how lives can be forever changed by Mother Nature’s wrath.
I saw the complete devastation of my own community after the May 2003 tornado outbreaks. An event that forever changed my life and the lives of thousands of others.
I have witnessed first hand the destructive power of F5 tornadoes in Birmingham, Alabama, Andover, Kansas, and a number of F4 events as well. One will never forget the site of scorched earth. Wind so strong that even the grass is gone. The pavement from roads removed. Trees debarked.
I have also witnessed the power of tropical weather. Having been through Hurricane Cindy and Dennis and then seeing the destruction from Hurricane Katrina and Rita I can say that I have no desire to live on the coastline of the Gulf Coast of America.
Photo I took in Mississippi along the coast. Hurricane Katrina damage.
Although Mother Nature can be beautiful she can also be destructive. It is the nature of the beast.
I also spend a lot of time covering severe weather for Ballard and McCracken Counties of Western Kentucky. I am the Severe Weather Tech and Meteorologist Specialists for the Paducah Emergency Management Team. I have a complete Severe Weather Center here in my house. I cover critical weather events using the latest radar technology and weather software available to the public and private sector. This is part of my passion…public safety and awareness. I like being able to share what I know about meteorology. I find myself totally immersed in extreme weather events once they enter our region. Unfortunately, sometimes this means trading my chaser hat for my emergency management hat.
My weather center
New and improved weather center for 2007!
I volunteer some of my time to the American Red Cross as a Disaster Relief Volunteer. I am currently serving as the local Disaster Vice Chair for the Paducah Area Chapter of Western Kentucky. We cover four counties and service nearly 100,000 people. We have a large group of wonderful volunteers…prepared to take on any event that might impact our area.
Photo I took along the Mississippi Gulf Coast – we were feeding the hungry volunteers.
I encourage everyone in the weather and chase community to take the time to give back something to those who find themselves at the mercy of severe weather. You won’t regret it.
In 2005 I spent two months helping people pick up the pieces from Hurricane Katrina and Rita (or Karita as I like to call them). I can say that I have never witnessed destruction like what I saw on the Mississippi Coastline. Incredible, raw, and nothing less than pure devastation.
That would be me…Mississippi – Hurricane Katrina
At the Houston Astrodome I was able to make two special friends, Pedro and Helen (seen right). They had only been married for a few weeks when Hurricane Katrina destroyed their home. They were placed on a bus and driven out of New Orleans and brought to the arena in Houston. They still managed to smile through it all. They were an inspiration to me and left a fingerprint on my heart. Mother Nature may be strong but the human spirit is stronger.
Two of my friends from New Orleans – Helen and Pedro (they
lost everything in Hurricane Katrina – newly weds)
I have, from time to time, also found myself at the mercy of the weather. Having to take shelter as Category 4 Hurricane Dennis approached the Gulf Coast during the 2005 Hurricane Season. This came right on the heals of Hurricane Cindy, which I felt first hand in Destin, Florida.
Taking shelter from one of the 2005 hurricanes.
Outside of other business ventures I am currently a student of Mississippi State University. I am enrolled in the Broadcast Meteorology Program. The program will take three years to complete.
I serve as President of the Shadow Angel Foundation. I am a strong believer in the philosophy of "Pay It Forward." I also run New Horizons Incorporated and I am second majority share-holder in RTC Health.
Obviously I also have a passion for photography. I also like to scuba dive, mountain climb, parasail, snowmobile, and cross country ski. I love to travel and I love adventure.
Climbing Mount Sinai
Scuba Diving in the Red Sea
Diving in Cancun, Mexico
Tianenmen Square, China
Jerusalum, Israel
Me in the West Bank – Arafat’s Compound
2006 award recipient of the "Caesar J. Fiamma Volunteer Service Award." This
award was presented by my friend Sue Henry (right), Executive Director, of the American Red Cross,
2005 Service Award Certificates from the American Red Cross. Given to volunteers
who gave their time in helping others after Hurricane Katrina and Rita.
2006 award recipient, along with NBC-WPSD TV-6, of the Mark Trail Award. We were honored with this National Service Award
for our efforts to promote the NOAA Weather Radio Program. WPSD TV has been responsible for more than 10.000 NOAA
Weather Radios being distributed throughout the four state region. We started this program in response to the May 6th, 2003
Tri-County Tornado. The ripple effect of this program has even spread to other parts of the nation.
2004 award recipient of the "Six Who Make A Difference." Awarded by NBC
WPSD-TV 6 to six residents of the four state area who have served their
community in extraordinary ways. The award was presented for the work
the Shadow Angel Foundation did following the F4 Tri-County Tornado
that struck on May 6, 2003.
Now you know a little more about me. I enjoy reading the biographies of other people, so I figured someone might want to know the person behind this camera and web-site.
Life is supposed to be a journey. We never arrive but rather we continue on. There isn’t an end goal. There are just new adventures. There will be pain. There will be tragedy. There will be beautiful sadness. In the end though have no regrets. Live life as it was meant to be lived. In its fullest.
All of that is good and well, but what is truly important in life is family, friendships, and LIFE itself. Spending time with those you care for and love. Following your dreams. Following your passions. Doing what you think you need to do…the pursuit of happiness!
Taking time out of your day to listen to the snowflakes falling outside your window. Listening to the trees crackle when the temperature is 5 degrees outside. Watching a spectacular sunset or sunrise. Nothing beats that! Oh and don’t forget the meteor showers.
You can view my complete biography at this site.