December 30th, 2010
Welllllllll – let’s just say the professional hockey game was exciting and left a mark on me that I sure won’t forget anytime soon.
We arrived at the hockey game in Nashville, Tennessee about an hour early. Tommy told me we should get their early because we could get a good look at the players while they practiced their game. So – Joey and I arrived early and had dinner with Tommy and mother. Mother was going back to the hotel after she ate dinner. Then the rest of us were going to the hockey game.
The stadium
Found this image online – we were around row six or seven.
We arrived at the hockey rink with plenty of time to spare – watched the practice and then found our seats. We had great seats, as well. Around the sixth or seventh row. Could see allllllll the action.
Somewhere around 9 pm there was a loud rushing noise and a BANG – BOW – WOW – and I fell over. I remember seeing blood and hearing my name called out. Then the next thing I know I am in an ambulance with quite a bit of shaking going on. Whole body was shaking – and some guy was asking me how many fingers he was holding up above me.
Apparently a hockey puck decided that it needed to attach itself to the side of my head. And so it did. Left a nice mark. 🙂
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December 30th, 2010
Going to see Danielle’s Cheer Elite group and catch a hockey game tonight. Eating with Tommy at 4 or 5 pm this evening then off to see hockey.
Should have great seats – sixth or seven row!!!!
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December 28th, 2010
Well, my dad has been gone for two days! The aftermath of the riots and parties continues to be the talk of the town. The Chief of Police and the Mayor of Paducah were out yesterday for a "fly over" of the damaged area.
Honestly – my dad leaves town and things go down hill prrreeeettttyyyyyyy fast. Just crazy. I worried this would happen. BUT – he did need a break.
Paducah Sun Photo (AP)
MEANWHILE – in Florida and off the east coast of Florida – paparazzi captured these photographs from my dad’s cruise
Someone just sent me this photo – out in front of my dad’s place. Not looking good. I knew as soon as he left this would happen. Hopefully HE is having a good time.
Out in front of my dad’s place in Paducah
This is down the street my from dad – does not look pretty.
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December 27th, 2010
Well – as I feared. It appears the apartment residents are demanding the return of my dad. No Dean – No Peace were the shots earlier this morning as riot police had to move in the subdue the crowd.
Apparently the block party got out of hand. I know that the mayor tried to contact Tony Crouch – my brother in law. However, when they called his phone all they got was a message saying :"Out for the holidays – wishing you and your loved ones a VERY Merry Christmas"
So – my phone rang at 3 am. I could hear the tear gas canisters exploding in the background and what sounded like rushing water. A tenant from 701 sent me these images from his cell phone. It did not look pretty.
Now I am not saying there is anyone to blame here. I mean we knew my dad was leaving for months now. Just seems like the tenants were left in the cold this morning. Perhaps daddy didn’t tell them that he was leaving or perhaps the block party last night got out of hand. I have no idea.
I didn’t even know Paducah had riot police.
This was also sent to me – I guess they are demanding my dad return
I just received this photos from Facebook from my cousin Jason
My dad is on that boat this morning!
This was the view that Jason sent earlier today. Appears that there is no snow in Florida.
OK more updates as they arrive
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December 26th, 2010
Well, dad is away on a well earned vacation. Off to some remote paradise in the Bahamas. He left this morning in our blinding snowstorm. Flurries were widespread over the area. Even some reports of snow showers. Here is what it looked like on the roadways through western Kentucky as he headed out earlier this morning. He told me that it was slow going – but they were making it just fine.
Now, I am not sure how the apartments are going to take care of themselves. I am fairly certain that everyone over there depends on my dad – I know his phone rings a lot and they knock on his door quite often. From what I hear they normally count on him being around!
I did stop by the apartments earlier and captured this image
Dad didn’t tell me they were having a block party for his going away – however, it appears they are having a lot of fun. Hopefully my dad approved of all of this (I guess Tony and I were not invited to the block party).
The above photo shows the tenants over at the apartments (and perhaps some of their friends?????)
Updates as I get them!
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December 25th, 2010
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December 5th, 2010
Just wow – how inspiring is the State of Liberty. Incredible!
Top of the Crown of the Statue of Liberty – just amazing
The old crown
Climbing the stairs to the top
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December 4th, 2010
We arrived in New York City on Friday. As always, I love the city. Especially at Christmas. The crowds are amazing – it was not this crowded last time I was here. There are thousands and thousand of people.
We stayed at the Marriott that was destroyed in 9/11 last night. We could see the construction of the new buildings from our window. I believe the new Marriott was built a couple of buildings down from the old one – unsure.
Today we went to see the 9/11 memorial, fire fighters memorial, Wall Street, St Patrick’s Cathedral, 5th Avenue, and a variety of other spots. Having a great time – cold – but fun!
Snowed in Kentucky today. 1 to 3 inches over the central and eastern part of the state. That forecast worked out nicely.
Some photos from last night and today
Wall Street
9/11 Memorial
9/11 Memorial
9/11 Memorial
The rebuilding process
Rockefeller Square
Coming Together 9/11 Memorial
9/11 Memorial
9/11 Memorial
Building the new buildings at Ground Zero – outside our hotel
9/11 Memorial
Joey – what to eat what to eat
Joey in front of the new construction at Ground Zero
Fire Fighters Memorial
We found OJ’s missing glove!!!!!!!!!!!!
New York Stock Exchange
New York Stock Exchange
Wall Street
Kids singing outside the hotel
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December 1st, 2010
I spoke to the Lone Oak Elementary school this morning – 160 kids! Attentive audience 🙂 – they especially like the tornado machine. 🙂
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