A look back at some photos from the farm! I am sooooooo excited. 🙂
One of the first photographs of my grandmothers house up on the farm.
My mother beside the old well – we discovered this well a few weeks ago (once
again). 🙂
My mother up on the farm. Snow!
My mother – front of my grandmothers house – family farm.
MY mother and her puppy dog. I think my mother has always had a puppy.
This is in front of my grandmothers old house on the farm.
My mother in front of grandmother’s house. They had ice storm back then,
as well!
My mother riding her bike. Family farm back when she was little.
Ice storm on the family farm. Looks like some pretty thick ice!
My mother riding horses up on the farm place – not sure how she old is in this
My mother in front of my grandmother’s house. Snowman!!!!!
Family farm – looking north. Snow!
My mother beside my grandmother’s house on the farm
Looks like mother’s first day of school? 🙂 Family farm.
Front of my grandmother’s house. Mother playing in the snow. Did it used
to snow more?
More snow on the family farm. I see a running theme here. 🙂
More fun in the snow up on the family farm. 🙂
A shot from above – family farm back in the 1960s.
My grandmother’s house. Family farm.
My grandmother – front of her house on the family farm. That house is no
longer there.
My mother playing weatherman?
This is where the house is currently being built. It used to be a pony
This pony barn is gone now – this is where my house is being built. Looking
west. You can see the Oak Tree that still stands.
More snow! My grandmothers house on the farm.
My grandpa Joe holding Deena. Family farm. Around 1970.
Me at my grandmother’s house – backyard up on the farm
My grandmother mowing the grass up on the old farm place.
More snow – family farm. Grandmothers house.
In front of our old house up on the farm
Dione – easter egg hunt up on the farm. Behind my grandmothers house.
My sister Dione and me. That is our puppy Jody.
Halloween – up on the farm. Looks to be around 1974
My sister Dione – first day of school 🙂
My dad teaching Dione to wide a motocycle – family farm. Looks to be around
Dione in our old house on the farm – we used to get the white Christmas
Trees. 🙂
My sister Deena.
Hmmm Easter? Maybe around 1976
Easter on top of the hill
Ice storm! Up on the farm. Front of our old house. Looks to be around 1976
That would be me. 🙂 Real ball player!
It did used to snow 🙂
THe way the hill used to look 🙂 Back in the early 80s.
My sister DIone riding a horse up on the family farm.
Today 🙂