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Beau's Journey » 2010 » December » 30

Archive: December 30th, 2010

December 29, 2010: Woah what a game – gosh pucket

Welllllllll – let’s just say the professional hockey game was exciting and left a mark on me that I sure won’t forget anytime soon. 

We arrived at the hockey game in Nashville, Tennessee about an hour early.  Tommy told me we should get their early because we could get a good look at the players while they practiced their game.  So – Joey and I arrived early and had dinner with Tommy and mother.  Mother was going back to the hotel after she ate dinner.  Then the rest of us were going to the hockey game.

The stadium


Found this image online – we were around row six or seven. 


We arrived at the hockey rink with plenty of time to spare – watched the practice and then found our seats.  We had great seats, as well.  Around the sixth or seventh row.  Could see allllllll the action.

Somewhere around 9 pm there was a loud rushing noise and a BANG – BOW – WOW – and I fell over.  I remember seeing blood and hearing my name called out.  Then the next thing I know I am in an ambulance with quite a bit of shaking going on.  Whole body was shaking – and some guy was asking me how many fingers he was holding up above me.

Apparently a hockey puck decided that it needed to attach itself to the side of my head.  And so it did.  Left a nice mark.  🙂




December 28, 2010: Woohoo heading to Nashville with the family

Going to see Danielle’s Cheer Elite group and catch a hockey game tonight.  Eating with Tommy at 4 or 5 pm this evening then off to see hockey.

Should have great seats – sixth or seven row!!!!