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Beau's Journey » 2009 » November » 28

Archive: November 28th, 2009

November 28, 2009: It has just been that busy!

  Have not had time to really update the blog,  Been up at the farm most days and sometimes evenings.  Trying to get everything finished – Bobby and his crew have been working hard at getting all of the little things finished.  Judy painting – landscapers planting bushes – concrete being poured – Jason/Jess and I have been getting the cameras and weather instruments running – floors are being touched up here and there – Dale and his crew have been installing cabinets and shelves – it is all coming together.

  The schedule is calling for everything to be finished this week.  Then the cleaners will come in and clean the inside and outside of the house – top to bottom. 

  I will be so happy when the project is finished.  It has definitely been a very long few weeks and months – for everyone.  I am sure Tony will be thrilled to have everything finished, as well.  Almost there – very close.

  Looks like rain will move in on Sunday and then a chance for rain or snow mid-week and again later this weekend.  Active pattern shaping up with multiple storm systems to watch.

  Thanksgiving was wonderful – spent it at my sisters.  Most of the family was there during the afternoon and well into the evening.  We missed Dylan who is away at boot camp in Oklahoma.  He did get to call, though.  I think he is homesick.

   I put all of the Thanksgiving photos here


Tony’s niece










Tommy and Ashton





Daddy telling Tyler how to play Mafia Wars