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Beau's Journey » 2008 » January » 05

Archive: January 5th, 2008

January 5, 2008: Check out the snow in Romania!!!!!

  A major snowstorm has paralyzed portions of Europe over the last few days.  Some areas have measured snow in feet.  Romania reported over 2 feet of snow.  Here is a photo from Bucharest, Romania.  The photographs were taken by Aurelian Oancea.

  I am SOOOOO jealous!  I wonder how Mehai is handling the snow over there!!!!

  We may be looking at strong to severe storms in this region on Monday Night and Tuesday Morning.  Stay tuned.


Sunset tonight in Orange Bisbee…

Me watching the sunset tonight in Second Life – Location – Orange Bisbee

  Saw a great movie tonight.  Juno.  Well worth seeing.  A surprise.  I didn’t think it would be that good.  It was a great movie!  Highly recommend it.  I was reminded of one of my girlfriends Tanna.  I don’t know why.  I guess because of the music in it.  Reminded me of her – artsy.  Miss her.


January 5, 2008: Starry Starry Night…Metaverse

  This is the new world coming 🙂  The internet is evolving into something that I don’t think any of us can imagine.  The inspiration…the artistic and creativity that is coming will bring about that which will inspire millions.  Perhaps this song sums it all up.  If people would only listen to the words – the music around them – the unseen.  Inspiration is all around us – just waiting to be absorbed. 


 The above was created in Second Life – Metaverse.  It is the "new" internet.  A new world…a new space.