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Beau's Journey » 2008 » February » 21

Archive: February 21st, 2008

February 21, 2008: Out and about…Gorky Park and other

  We spent a lot of time wondering around Moscow today.  Took a lot of photos – will take some time to go through them.  We attened the Russian Ballet this evening.  It was very nice.  The architecture of the building was just incredible.  Fun day!

Gorky Park – Moscow, Russia


Kristy will enjoy this photo


You never know who you will see in Moscow!!!








February 21, 2008: Castro


February 21, 2008: Daisy is a MOTHER!!!!

  OK – OK – don’t get excited.  Daisy did not have puppies.  BUT SHE DOES HAVE FIVE BABY GOATS!!!!!  That is right.  Joey’s father runs a farm with goats.  They have about 15+ new baby goats.  Two of the mothers have shunned their babies and that means that Joey’s mother has to take care of them.  They have brought the babies inside the house and are hand feeding (bottle) them.  Daisy, apparently, has decided that she is the mother.  When the goats start to cry Daisy runs in and checks on them.  She has been licking on them and after they bottle feed Daisy comes along and licks around their mouth. 

  So it seems that Daisy has taken to the babies!  I can only imagine!!!!  Now the question is – will Daisy want to come back home with us!!!


February 21, 2008: Russian Ballet Tonight…Ice Storm Back Home

  Two ice storms in a row?  Say it isn’t so.  It looks like another ice storm is heading for the Paducah/Metropolis Region.  Hard to believe!  I don’t recall having two such events back to back – not in recent memory at least.  I guess Sue will have to take photos for me again!  Hopefully the damage won’t be as severe this time around.

  Just waking up here in Moscow (everyone is just going to bed back home).  The temperature is a BALMY 9 degrees above zero.  OH YEAH.  I love it.  Not!  I like cold weather ONLY if it is snowing!  So not a fan of cold without snow.  Not seeing any snow out my window here – so this is a waste of cold air.

  We are going to the ballet tonight.  I think it will be interesting.  Russia is famous for its ballets.  So we shall see how it goes.  Not a HUGE fan of musicals – but this should be "different".

  Starting to get home sick.  OKAY – I said it!  I know some people knew that already.  It is going on two months since we first left.  Just now getting home sick though.  I guess that isn’t too bad.  Daisy missed me – I am sure of that!  Sue probably is ready for here weekly "dine out" at Rafferty’s.  I KNOW my mother misses me.  Then there is everyone else in the family!  Time to get home I guess.  Another week.  Then I am hope for SPRING severe weather season.

  More later…