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Beau's Journey » 2008 » February » 26

Archive: February 26th, 2008

February 26, 2008: The challenge of inspiration…

  I had an interesting conversation with a friend yesterday.  In the middle of that conversation it  struck me that what is truly important in life is that we not only find our passion but that we must also find our inspiration.  Perhaps they go hand in hand.  Perhaps you can never be inspired if you don’t have a passion.  Perhaps yout can’t find passion if you are not inspired.  No matter which comes first they are both important.  They both play a role in our daily lives.

  I have watched my friend Sue henry take up photography over the past year.  At first, I thought she was simply interested in the hobby itself, but soon I found that she was inspiring me with her creative works.  She was serious about learning how to take photographs.  Her photographs told a story.  Her photographs showed me what inspires her.  Each one was carefully picked by her – she took the time to snap a shot of ice dripping from a tree.  She took the time to photograph the fall leaves that had gently landed on the rocks near a spring.  She stood outside in the cold and photographed the eclipse of the moon.  One of her more striking photographs was one of her grandson – sitting by a windowsill, at Fort Massac State Park, daydreaming, no doubt about cowboys and Indians. 

  Inspiration is a funny thing.  That which inspires one person may not inspire another.  That which speaks to my heart is unique.  That which speaks to Sue’s heart is unique to her.  But in sharing our inspiration we inspire others in ways we may never know.  Those sparks of inspiration may influence many others, some whom we may never meet.  Perhaps a reminder of the little miracles that surround each one of us.  The beauty of a winter mornings icicle, the color of the fall leaves, the eclipse of the moon.  The eyes of a child gazing out a window. 

Share that which inspires you.  Inspiration was never meant to be kept a secret or hidden from the world.  Art was meant to be shared.  Imagine the world with no paintings.  No songs.  No story tellers.  No photographs.  No musicians.

  Earlier this year, I said that my motto for 2008 was "Inspire to be Inspired".  In order to inspire others WE must first be inspired.  In order to be inspired we must first share that which inspires us.  Inspiration comes from sharing.  If Sue never shared her photographs then I would never have felt those sparks of inspiration that could only come from her.  If a great speech writer had never shared his written words then perhaps we would have never been inspired by the person who delivered those words.  If a singer we love, had never shared their voice with the world, then think of all the people that would have never been touched by their music.  Their voice.  Share your inspirations with others so that they may be inspired




February 26, 2008: Back in Canada!

  YAY – we have made it back to Canada.  It is always nice to return to the Americas.  It was a nice trip overseas and I am always sad to leave.  I guess we will be heading by to the United States on Wednesday/Thursday.  Should be home on Friday.  I have two stops along the way.


Gail Stubblefield sent me this photograph – she lives near the Massac County/Pulaski
County line (Illinois).  GREAT photograph and beautiful snow!  (Sunday photo)

  It is snowing here in Waterloo.  Light snow started falling at 7:30 a.m.  It looks like we might pick up a few inches.  Nothing major though!

  Some amazing news out of North Korea.  The New York Philharmonic has performed in North Korea.  They gave a historic performance to a crowd of thousands.  State run television also showed it to everyone else within the country.  I believe that this is a great moment in the history of their country.  It is the cultural exchanges, such as this,  that will bring about cracks in this communist nations walls.  Bravo for all involved!

  I have finally finished my "day to day" list links on the web page.  You can view them here (I sort of got behind).


Kristy sent me this photograph of Lucy!  She is looking gooooood! 




Farruh Nizomov is 23 years old. He runs a small shop where he produces small carts, which are used by his customers to transport food and other goods they purchase at the market to their homes. In general, the families in Tajikistan are large and, in preparation for family celebrations, individual family members purchase all of the necessary goods at the market for such celebrations. Thus, Farruh produces small hand carts and leases them to customers so they can transport their purchased goods to their vehicles or to the public transportation stops. Farruh is seeking a loan of $600 to purchase additional raw materials (e.g., wheels) required to make the carts. This would be Farruh’s first loan and he is confident that he can repay it on time.

Name: Farruh Nizomov
Business Name: Services – Services

Khujand, Tajikistan