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Beau's Journey » Blog Archive » March 15, 2009: Oh – now I found a remedy – thank gawd for Google
Sunday, March 15th, 2009

March 15, 2009: Oh – now I found a remedy – thank gawd for Google

  OK, first I just want to say that the miracle of the internet has certainly changed the way I look at medicine.  I have found the cure for my ear problem…while doing a google search for "airplane ear won’t pop" – this came up 🙂


Take a large piece of newspaper (double side), roll into a fairly tight cone with a small open end at the apex and about a 6-8" diameter at the large end. In length it should be about 1 1/2-to-2 feet, end to end.

Insert the small end into your affected ear to where it makes a seal – have a friend/S.O. hold it in place for you

Have them set the large diameter end on fire with a match/lighter so that the complete circumference is burning. No, I’m not kidding.

Allow it to burn down until the "whoosh" occurs – the updraft of the burning end creates a vacuum effect on your inner ear which should help unclog it – It may take some time or multiple effort to get it right, so be patient.

I know, I know, sounds crazy but it works if its a relatively benign clogged ear. If that and/or the Benadryl don’t get it, see the sawbones.
posted by Pressed Rat at 8:56 AM on January 5, 2006

It is even scarier that I found an artists illustration of the procedure!!!!!

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