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Beau's Journey » 2007 » September » 13

Archive: September 13th, 2007

September 13, 2007: Yawn…


  I am tired this morning.  Stayed up late watching Humberto go from nothing to a hurricane in less than 24 hours!  Pretty amazing.  He slammed into Texas earlier this morning with winds gusting to 80 mph.  Some damage along the coast.  The heavy rains are now moving into Louisiana.

  On top of that I stayed up late to take my Synoptic Meteorology Test.  I hope I made at least a B on it.  It wasn’t easy.  Blah.  I am not liking these math based classes.  🙁  I will be GLAD when they are over!  I know I missed at least one on the test.  Hopefully not too many more.  This is not the big test…just a quarterly test.  I have an A in both classes – SO FAR. 

  Then I was up late because I had heartburn!!  lol  So that was no fun.  Stressed I guess.  I had dreams about my homework.  That is no fun as well.  So blah on all of that!

  Moving on!  I guess Kristy has made it to Florida.  I read her blog and she said her and Lucy were heading that way.  She has not posted since.  I think she said she would be without internet for a few days.  God forbid!  I don’t know how she will ever survive.  🙂  Hopefully she is going to like Florida. 

  Not much else going on today.  Trying to wake up.  I guess I will go get some medicine from the pharmacy.  Nexium would be nice.  Not sure that is over the counter though.  It might be.