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Beau's Journey » 2007 » September » 26

Archive: September 26th, 2007

September 26, 2007: The Poetry of Rain


  Germany is wet.  The last time I visited Germany it was wet.  This time it is quite wet!  So the word of the day is – yes that is correct – "WET".  We have been experiencing showers all evening.  It is a season of rain that has fallen upon Germany. 

  I walked over to the bird sanctuary and stood underneath a pier for awhile.  The raindrops still managed to find their way down between the wooden planks and onto my head.  🙂  It was nice though.  I love and enjoy the rain.  I have no idea why.  I guess I am just weird like that.  The low scud clouds drifting over the hills in the distance, the sound of raindrops hitting the lake water, a few birds singing their songs, and the distant fog hanging over the little village across the way.  Nature has a way of writing her own poetry.  Without our help.  This scene in front of me was obviously one of those poems.

  All of this made for a wonderfully calm moment.  A moment of complete solitude.  Peaceful.  Just the way I like it.  These type of spots are rare in themselves.  We have all found them though.  Stumbled across them i should say.  We have all felt that warm feeling inside of us.  A sigh of calm comes over you.  You know at that moment that you are right where you are supposed to be.  Just you and nature. 


A boy watches
the lake in front of him
that is from left to right

A silence surrounds him
as far as the hills in front
to behind him within the trees

The water pitters
and patters
as raindrops fall

He sighs in awe
warm feelings inside
leaning against the wooden piling

The sky has grown deep
as if written for rain
wisps of fog sleeping on the hills

The voice of the wind
moves through the reeds
rustling and waking the lake



The little lake where i watched the clouds and rain

The birds didn’t’ seem to mind the rain.



September 26, 2007: Germany


  I woke up last night about 7 p.m. Central Time – that is about 2 a.m. here in Radoltzen, Germany.  WIDE awake.  My body thinks it is 7 p.m.   I did manage to go back to sleep after about an hour.  I chatted on-line for a bit.  Caught up on the latest news from the BBC and checked out the weather of course.

  Woke up this morning to a cloudy sky.  Light rain was falling.  More of a drip here and a drip there.  Not too bad.  So I packed my camera up and threw on a jacket and headed outside.  The downtown city center is about a mile from where I am staying.  Not a bad walk at all.  It is always fun to walk around a town you are not familiar with.  This town has a lot of cobblestone streets.  The main city center has been cut off from vehicles.  Lot of people walking around and a few bikes.  I sat by the fountain for awhile and just watched people walk around. 

  Near the church in the center of the town there were a lot of people selling flowers, vegetables, farm produce, and a few arts and crafts.  I believe the outdoor produce market is a daily event.  With the dreary sky above and the bright colors of flowers and vegetables below it made for a nice walk. 

  I am tired now though!  Perhaps a nap is in order.  I guess everyone is just starting to wake up back home.  It is 6 a.m. in Toronto and 5 a.m. in Paducah.

  We are heading for London on Thursday afternoon.  I was hoping to catch Paul Potts…the opera guy that I posted about a few months ago.  He is not performing though.  Perhaps another time!  He does have a new cd out…I will have to see if they have it for sale in the city.

 Nice foggy morning here in Southwest Germany



that would be me with the fountain art 


Still a lot of flowers blooming around this small town


Some fall colors as well!


Memories of the war…



City center


Lot of flowers for sale in the produce market