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Beau's Journey » 2007 » September » 27

Archive: September 27th, 2007

September 27, 2007: Evening. We have made it to London.


  Reporting live on the scene from Downtown London!  Just a post to say we made it safely through the airport circus.  It actually wasn’t all that bad.




September 27, 2007: Walking around town this morning…


  We are heading for London at 2 p.m. this afternoon.   We should be in the city by early evening.  I spent most of the morning walking around and enjoying the fresh air.  The rain has actually stopped for a little bit!  Imagine that.  Lot of low clouds hanging around. 

  You know what I love about Europe?  I love the architecture of the houses.  They are so colorful and detailed.  Not the cookie cutter homes that we build back in the states.  These houses actually have passion.  You can tell that the people love to take care of their property.  Lot of flowers and bushes.  Roses growing up the sides of doorways.  Beautiful design on the windows and doors.  A lot of houses have rooftop patios.  I believe Sue taught me that those are called "the widows walk".  At least that is what we call them in the states.

  Here are a few photos from this morning. 











September 27, 2007: Still raining here!


  I did not sleep so well last night.  I think I did better the night before.  I woke up this morning to rain!  It was raining when I went to bed you know.  Looks like a rainy day ahead.  Chilly outside as well with temperatures in the 50s.

  They have one English channel here.  CNN World.  The problem is they keep playing the same news stories over and over again.  They change it once or twice a day.  Not that exciting though.  I have all of the news stories memorized!  They do have MTV but it is in German.  I don’t know that many German words so that is no good for me.  🙂  I did listen to their music for a couple of hours last night though.  Music is music…even if I can’t understand the words. 

  We leave for London this afternoon.  I believe our cab will be here around 2 p.m.  That should put us in Britain during the early evening hours.  Perhaps we can find that nice Lebanese Restaurant.  I love Lebanese food.


This is the market area of the town.  Farmers bring their produce here to sell.


City center – Radoltzen, Germany


Some of the colorful houses along the street.

Fall is in the air.


Radoltzen, Germany


Radoltzen, Germany


City center – Radoltzen, Germany



Train pushes through Radoltzen.


I stumbled across some wildlife 🙂



I stumbled across these sheep.  They appear to be eating their lunch.


Then the sheep noticed that I was taking their photograph.


Sheep paparazzi busted!


This is the hotel we are staying in.  Radoltzen, Germany